Peer Consultation Group

We are proud to offer a regular peer consultation group which is FREE for our Member clinicians. The group currently meets virtually via Zoom. 

Outlined below are Group Rules for the Peer Consultation Group.

Group Rules 

  1. The first rule of the peer consultation group is a commitment to respecting one another even when there are differences of opinions, values, or ideas. 
  2. Confidentiality of group members is of paramount importance. Therefore, what  happens in group stays in group. Please make sure that as you participate in the group from home you:
    1. Participate from a quiet space which is free from distractions and interruptions by others. You must have a private space available located away from others in which to participate in peer consultation therapy. 
    2. Use headphones if possible while in group. If you do not have headphones, please take measures to avoid having other people in your household overhear what is being discussed in group. It is very important that all group members feel that their comments and contributions are confidential.
  3. In order to ensure confidentiality please keep your camera on the entire duration of the group.
  4. When not sharing you will keep microphone muted in case of background noise as to not disturb the person currently sharing and so others can hear what is being shared.
  5. The Group facilitator will prompt you to share so as not to have people talking over each other. If a Participant wishes to share, please raise your virtual hand. The facilitator will acknowledge you and prompt you when it is your turn to speak.  
  6. If not using your phone for virtual groups, you will have it off during group. 

If presenting a case during the Peer Consultation Group, please use the following Case Presentation Outline.

Case Presentation Outline

  1. Why are you presenting this case today? What do you want from your audience?
  2. Demographics (age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, children, living situation, employment/education, race/ethnicity). Include a genogram – this is a map for your audience to follow. Does not need to be fancy. 
  3. Presenting Problem & Brief History (Why did the client come to treatment/services? How has the problem developed over time? Have they received treatment/services previously? What was the outcome?)
  4. Client/Family Strengths 
  5. Client/Family Challenges 
  6. Cultural Diversity Issues 
  7. Diagnostic Impressions/Symptoms 
  8. Current Medications, Health Concerns, 
  9. Psychiatric Issues (family history) 
  10. Risk Factors (suicide, violence, substance use, domestic violence, etc) 
  11. Goals & Interventions Used 
  12. What’s Working and What’s Not Working? 
  13. Ethical Issues 
  14. Counter-transference (How do you feel about this client and how does it affect your work?)

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P.O. Box 880843 | San Diego, CA 92168-0843

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